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mercredi 20 janvier 2016

uditing information

[83]Hi thanks but i need a query if possible to get...... RUCHI TANEJA

Subject: auditing information
Os info: linux
Oracle info:
Message: Hi
I need to find out when user login and logoff in Database yesterday
from 1 to 2 pm.My audit is set to DB.Please share the audit tables from
where i could find user login logoff.
Actually some user did some suspicious activity but i am unable to find
same as auditing not enabled for DML.As of now my management want me to
give login logoff details.

Subject: Re: auditing information
Message: Dear Ruchi,
For Auditing please go through following link once

Subject: Re: auditing information
Message: Hi thanks
but i need a query if possible to get when my user logon and logoff
information for a particulat timing.
Also my main task is to get what all sql's user fired during that
duration but at the same time my auditing is not enabled on DML

Subject: Re: auditing information
Message: Hello Ruchi,
have you had a look at the doc as suggested by Mirza?
And from there you can see a mention of DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL. Have also a
look at the other views DBA_AUDIT_x... like DBA_AUDIT_SESSION, the info
can be found in "Database Reference" documentation

Best regards,
Bruno Vroman

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